my life and all its not so glorious regularness<3

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Talk about baby fat!!

As much as i'm enjoying my daughter and motherhood, this weight problem has been hard for me to get use to.Before being pregnant i was a pretty active and healthy person so when the lbs started 
coming on i became very uncomfortable especially after birth when 
i wasnt big because there was a baby inside me but just plain big. It also didnt help that my skin was 
so stretched out it just hung there!! (im sure every mom knows what im talking about!)
During my pregnancy i was so set on going straight to the gym right after i pushed this baby out...that didn't happen.
as i new mom, a wife and a student (school started 2 weeks after i gave birth) it was difficult to even think about going to the gym! 
UNITL one day the husband and i decided to go to a cross fit gym on base that is open 24 hours and allows kids!!
so we put baby girl in her jogging stroller and off we went!
she was calm at first but once my work out started, her fussiness began!
so when life gives you lemons..make lemonade..and that's what i did!!

i got a great work out and she definitely enjoyed herself as well!
so if you're feeling like the baby is keeping you from loosing that baby fat, just add them in! (they are the perfect weights! lol) 
annnndd its great mommy and baby bonding time too <3
i hope this inspires you to get up and go!!
ill be back for more blogging..till then i say Arrivederci!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

oh my where has the time gone??

well the last time i posted was when i was making my gender reveal cards to send my family.
lets just say that didn't happen the way i expected. i got to excited to wait for the 
cards to reach my family so i ended up calling my family instead...
sadness i know!!! the cards would have been a much more exciting way to tell everyone!
so here is an update...
I had a beautiful baby girl
Elaina Amore Anaya <3
August 12 2013-11:40 am
(a day after her due date!!) 
labor say the least but it was all worth it!
she is now three months old and growing strong everyday.

Month One
 Month Two
 Month Three
 Getting ready for the holidays!!

now that I'm getting the hang of this motherhood thing and school is just about over i should be blogging more!!(i hope)
so stay tuned to see more about everything i like :)
till then i say good bye!