my life and all its not so glorious regularness<3

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Talk about baby fat!!

As much as i'm enjoying my daughter and motherhood, this weight problem has been hard for me to get use to.Before being pregnant i was a pretty active and healthy person so when the lbs started 
coming on i became very uncomfortable especially after birth when 
i wasnt big because there was a baby inside me but just plain big. It also didnt help that my skin was 
so stretched out it just hung there!! (im sure every mom knows what im talking about!)
During my pregnancy i was so set on going straight to the gym right after i pushed this baby out...that didn't happen.
as i new mom, a wife and a student (school started 2 weeks after i gave birth) it was difficult to even think about going to the gym! 
UNITL one day the husband and i decided to go to a cross fit gym on base that is open 24 hours and allows kids!!
so we put baby girl in her jogging stroller and off we went!
she was calm at first but once my work out started, her fussiness began!
so when life gives you lemons..make lemonade..and that's what i did!!

i got a great work out and she definitely enjoyed herself as well!
so if you're feeling like the baby is keeping you from loosing that baby fat, just add them in! (they are the perfect weights! lol) 
annnndd its great mommy and baby bonding time too <3
i hope this inspires you to get up and go!!
ill be back for more blogging..till then i say Arrivederci!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

oh my where has the time gone??

well the last time i posted was when i was making my gender reveal cards to send my family.
lets just say that didn't happen the way i expected. i got to excited to wait for the 
cards to reach my family so i ended up calling my family instead...
sadness i know!!! the cards would have been a much more exciting way to tell everyone!
so here is an update...
I had a beautiful baby girl
Elaina Amore Anaya <3
August 12 2013-11:40 am
(a day after her due date!!) 
labor say the least but it was all worth it!
she is now three months old and growing strong everyday.

Month One
 Month Two
 Month Three
 Getting ready for the holidays!!

now that I'm getting the hang of this motherhood thing and school is just about over i should be blogging more!!(i hope)
so stay tuned to see more about everything i like :)
till then i say good bye!

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Reveal!!

So as of Sunday i am 20 weeks along with my pregnancy which means i am halfway there which means i get to find out the gender of our baby!! I am beyond happy with what ever the Lord decides to bless us with but of course the husband wants a boy lol. With this being my first pregnancy i wanted to have a creative way of letting my family know what we are having! Just like when we found out we were pregnant we made onsies that said " i love my aunt/uncle" (we have brothers and sisters) and our moms got bibs. we put those in a gift bag and let them open it..their reaction was priceless! (unfortunate my computer isnt letting me post those videos up)
So now that its time to reveal the babies gender we wanted to get equally creative! so i started out with some construction paper from Micheal's, folded them in half then cut them in half to make two cards out of one paper.Then i printed out the pictures we took and with some decorative construction paper i layered the picture and glued it to the very front! super easy! i picked nutral colors for the front so they couldnt guess just by looking at it but on the inside it will say everything! just you wait !!

I am so excited to find out what im having tomorrow! Have fun with your pregnancy and make it fun for your family too! i mean who dosnt like a surprise?!?!
 Stay tuned for the reveal! :)
until then i say Adios!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Whos says us pregnants cant be cute?!?!

ahh i know its been a while! but nonetheless im back and ready to blog!!

So as you guys may know im a tad bit pregnant! and have always loved how pregnant women look  all cutely dress and proudly flaunting their bellies( the only time its cute haha)
so here is my Wear Of The Day

totally simple- long skirt and plain white tank :)
some accessories too (a must)

i went light on the make up...a little on the natural side and added a cute necklace and simple sandals! totally cant go wrong! super fun and simple!

i hope ive inspired other mommas out there to get dolled up!! sweats arnt your only option i promise!! when you look better you feel better!! let that pregnant glow shine!! (super cheesy but true!)

thats all for now, 
until next time Ciao!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Church/Super Bowl Sunday..

well now..
as many of you know today was SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!! A seasons worth of competition summed up in one game. Only the best made it out..Ravens and 49ers(the team i rooted for!!). yes that was an exciting and some might say questionable game spent at our friends house..getting stuffed and yelling at the t.v. but the end result is the end result...Now that wasn't all that we did today..Before Everything we went to Sunday service at our church..after a long week of work, school and 2 trips to the ER it was nice to just worship our lord and hear the message!! all in all a good Sunday! I pray that you all had an amazing Sunday as well! and for those of you who don't care much about football well..good luck not hearing talk about it for the next couple of days! 
thats all for todays random again soo 
till then ,Au revoir !!

Friday, February 1, 2013

First Post!

very first one!!

How exciting! well to get started i just wanted to share a little more about me that wasnt all in the "About me" side. Sooo..yes im an army wife going on 2 years now! Stationed at Fort Richardson Alaska with husband Eddie Anaya<3Finally done with our first deployment!(as seen below) exciting to say the least.and my 2 children(dogs) Bubba and King waffles Anaya and a baby on the way due in august(even more exciting). I try to eat healthy and exercise but lets face it that's hard! That doesn't mean i feel like kicking it out all the way! i DO TRY...i promise :) now i hope to be posting tons of meals, arts and crafts and basically a lot of what i see on Pinterest! but don't be shocked when i just post randoms silliness. I hope this blog will entertain and enlighten both you and i.

till then i say good bye!!